Sunday, August 12, 2012

Aphrodite Rose of Sharon Tree

The Aphrodite Rose of Sharon is a multi-stemmed shrub that typically grows 8-12' tall. The leaves are diamond-shaped, and their color is a dark green.   The Aphrodite bears dark hollyhock-like rosy-pink flowers with deep red eyes from late summer until mid-fall. This plant requires little or no pruning, unless there are dead leaves or a damaged branch that need to be trimmed or removed.

It has a long blooming period from early summer until the fall. This sturdy cultivar is a sterile triploid that produces very few - if any - seed pods. It is an excellent flowering shrub that may be planted in groups or used as a specimen. The Aphrodite Rose of Sharon tree is very tolerant of summer heat and humidity.  You can produce much larger flowers by pruning back to 2-3 buds in early spring.

Cultivar - A cultivar is a race or variety of plant that has been developed or selected and maintained through cultivation.  Culti from cultivated and var from variety

Triploid - An organism or cell that has three times the number of chromosomes in its nucleus.

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