Sunday, August 12, 2012

Different Types of Apple Trees

How to Identify Different Types of Apple Trees

When you are ready to choose an apple tree for your landscape, this information can help you with apple tree identification so that you will pick the kind of tree that your really want. Some of these trees have an added bonus of beautiful flowers before the fruit appears and this gives a natural beauty to your whole yard and garden.

Braeburn Apple Tree
The Braeburn Apple has a delicious sweet flavor that is perfectly balanced with a moderate tartness that produces a unique blend that people love. The texture is crisp, firm and of course - juicy. The under color of the apple is yellowish green and is shaded by a broadly red-striped color pattern. It's eating qualities make it suitable for cooking as well as fresh and in salads.

Chestnut Crabapple Tree

The Chestnut Crabapple blooms in early to mid-May. It has a pleasant nut-like flavor. It produces a very large crabapple, up to 2" in diameter that ripens in early September. Outstanding flavor and good texture for fresh eating as well as being a pollinator. A very hardy plant with a medium storage life. The fruit quality holds well on the tree, being quite sprightly at first and becoming sweeter later on. An excellent pollinator for other fruit apples.

Cortland Apple Tree

The Cortland Apple tree is rated as an excellent dessert and processing apple. It is sweet with a hint of tartness. It has a tender snow white flesh. Cortland apples are wonderful for kabobs, fruit plates and garnishes because they don't turn brown quickly when cut.The Cortland apple is an attractive large red-striped apple that can be best described as juicy. It is an heavy annual bearer.

Fuji Apple Tree
Fuji apples have it all--super sweet, super juicy and super crisp. What a great snacking apple! Fuji apples are aromatic, sweet, juicy and crisp with a firm texture. The Fujis appearance varies from yellow-green with red highlights to mostly red. The Fujis spicy, crisp sweetness gives it exceptional eating quality.The Fuji is excellent for fresh salads. The Fuji is quickly becoming an apple with a large consumer audience.

Gala Apple Tree

The Gala apple blends modern and old-fashioned parentage.The Gala matures to a bright overall red color, with bold red stripes over a yellow background. The fruit is firm, juicy, fine textured, with a yellow white flesh. It is a highly coveted apple by the consumer, with great bouquet, flavor and color. The Gala, a fresh fruit delight, is very much in demand for fresh salads and it's got the mild flavor that "picky eaters" prefer and a striking bright yellow-red color that attracts the eye!

Golden Delicious Apple Tree

The Golden Delicious apple is an excellent all purpose cooking apple. This apple has firm, white flesh that retains its shape when baked or cooked. Its rich mellow flavor, sweet and crisp, is an asset to any recipe.You can cut down the sugar in pies and sauces made from Golden Delicious apples.The skin is so tender and thin that you can skip peeling for many recipes. It is also outstanding when used in a fruit bowl and for fresh fruit.

Honeycrisp Apple Tree
The Honeycrisp apple is a high quality apple which keeps well for 5-6 months in common storage. The tree is one of the most vigorous and hardy of apple trees, showing little damage at -40 degrees. Needs to be thinned heavily. Its flesh is cream colored and coarse.The flavor is sub-acid and ranges from mild and well-balanced to strongly aromatic, depending on the degree of maturity. Great eating apple with its subacid flavor. Develops its full aromatic flavor if left on the tree until mid October.

Indian Summer Crabapple Tree

The Indian Summer Crabapple has abundant pink flowers with an extended blooming period. It blooms with King bloom of Red Delicious apple tree. Attractive rose-red flowers in spring followed by bright red fruit 3/4" in diameter. Excellent disease resistance.Indian Summer crabapples can take cold, shifts in temperatures, semi-arid climate and brisk winds. With sweeping branches, symmetrical shapes and modest proportions they add beauty as well as providing good pollen.

McIntosh Apple Tree

The McIntosh apple is a early and heavy producer. The flesh is white, soft and fine-textured. The flavor is distinctively tangy and aromatic. The McIntosh has a rather tough skin that has mixed red and green coloring.It's a favorite apple for eating out of hand but also is widely used in salads, sauces, pies. It is a mainstay in fresh cider and an all-time favorite for fresh eating and salads. It has a large fruit and is used in juice, pies, and eating raw.

Red Delicious Apple Tree
The Red Delicious apple is Americas favorite snacking apple.The Red Delicious is the most widely grown variety of apple in the world. Red Delicious apples have firm, white or cream white flesh that is juicy, aromatic, sweet tasting. The heart shaped fruit is bright red and sometimes exhibits some red striping. Red Delicious apples look great for a long time so they are the favored choice for holiday centerpieces and wreaths. The fruit keeps fresh very well and can be found year around in stores.

S.E. Wild Crab Apple

The Southern Crab Apple tree, Malus angustifolia, also called a wild crab apple or narrow leaf crabapple, is a small tree. This deciduous tree grows fast and reaches a height of 30/35 ft. Its flowers have deep pink buds that open lighter pink, then eventually fade to white. In fall the leaves turn many shades of red, orange and gold. It has fragrant pink flowers in the spring and small green crabapples in fall. Its fall foliage is attractive. Small apples provide food for wildlife.

Snow Drift Crab Apple Tree

The Snow Drift crab Apple is a very profuse bloomer. A good pollinator for medium to late blooming varieties. It has small to medium sized white flowers that attracts a lot of bees. Snow Drift' Crabapple is a splendid tree and little pruning is required to develop a well-formed, rounded canopy. There appears to be little variation in shape among trees of this cultivar, a characteristic which is coveted by landscape architects. Fall color is good, providing a dull yellow glow for two or three weeks. It combines beauty with its great pollinating characteristics.

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