Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Pimple Acne Treatment You Can Do At Home

Pimples affect almost everyone has skin problems from time to time and not only teenagers have the problem of unexpected breakouts. With a few simple steps, you can put a stop to your regular breakouts and safe guard your skin to lessen the severity of your skin eruptions.

What is a pimple? A pimple starts when a hair follicle is stopped up with dirt and oil which allows sebum - your skin's natural oil - to build up. Bacteria, whose favorite food is oil, begin to stick to the sebum and the result is inflammation. The inflammation is an indication the your body is trying to get rid of the bacteria. The redness and swelling finally turns into - what we call - a pimple.

What triggers breakouts? - Some of the things that will trigger a breakout are: progesterone-dominant birth control pills, some medications, stress, iodine found in seafood and supplements and, of course, your hormones.

Avoid touching the pimple - The more you touch the infected area, the longer the healing process will take. Your dirty hands can add more germs to the pimple and your dirty hands can put dirt and germs on an uninfected area and more pimples will appear.

Clean your skin regularly - You cannot have beautiful skin if it is not properly cleansed on a daily basis. Develop a skin care regime that fits your skin type and stick to it. Do not over do it because over stimulation is bad for your skin, as well.
Always wear oil-free cosmetics - The oily, oil-based makeup will clog your delicate pores and your skin will suffer as a result. Water-based makeup and mineral based makeup is kinder to your skin

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