Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Improve Skin Complexion in 30 days at Home

A proper skin care regime is needed to achieve bright healthy complexion and prevent it from pollution, dirt and other skin enemies. Good moisturizers with SPF (Sun protection factor) would help us in developing and preventing the complexion and hence moisturizing is compulsory for all skin types. Oily skin needs moisturizers too. Some people needs a quick skin fix before a party, or a wedding to look bright and beautiful. It's not necessary to go for costly skin care products and cosmetics to achieve brighter skin. We can even brighten our skin with natural things available in our kitchen to enhance the skin color and look beautiful. In this post, I am going to give you step by step instructions to improve your complexion to an extent within 30 days. Follow the below skin care regime and become a skin beauty! :)
     I am not going to give you loads to work this time. A simple natural exfoliating fairness facial scrub and a nourishing fairness mask is going to be your routine for these 30 days. The exfoliating scrub should be followed thrice a week for normal and oily skins and if your skin is dry, you are going to do it once twice because it might strip of the moisture from your skin leaving it more drier. Hey wait! Don't escape dry skin girls and guys! :D Only the exfoliating scrub is twice, but you surely need to follow the nourishing mask everyday or in alternate days. This is to nourish your skin and remove the dullness which is caused by dryness.
With the above procedures I would also mention some skin care and diet tips to follow, to get better results on your skin. First, I'll give the recipes of the exfoliating scrub and nourishing face mask.

Exfoliating Fairness Facial Scrub
  • Orange Peel Powder - Two teaspoons
  • Rose water - Required amount
  • Dry skinned people keep in mind : Rose water is for oily skinned girls and guys, if you have normal to dry or extremely dry skin, I suggest you to add raw creamy milk instead of rose water. Additionally, you can also add milk cream and honey to this scrub (to prevent a stretchy feel and dryness)
How to Use
  • Wash your face with a good face wash or soap depending on your skin type.
  • Mix the orange peel powder with rose water (Oily skins), or milk (As I said for dry skins) and blend well to make a paste. The paste wouldn't be fine and it can't act as a exfoliate if it is fine, so don't worry.
  • Apply this paste on the surface of your face and neck evenly. Leave on for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Let the ingredients work well on your skin to lighten it, just relax. You can place 2 cucumber slices or cold water dipped cotton pads above your eyes for a refreshment in this mean time.
  • Now comes the important step, cleanse your hands and make your face wet by dipping your fingers in water and tapping. Now gently scrub your face and neck with an upward circular motion for about 10 minutes with your finger tips.
  • After scrubbing, wash off with cold and clean water. Pat dry and moisturize, a heavy creamy moisturizer for dry skins and a light one for oily skins.
Results and Benefits
Orange has lots of antioxidants and citrus properties which are very essential for one's skin. It not only naturally bleaches your skin, it also acts as a wrinkle remover, spots and tan remover and skin lightener. So, following this above scrub regularly bleaches your skin in a natural way, removing dead cells, tan, giving a natural radiant glow which even skin lightening serums cannot give. Orange peel powder with rose water scrub removes excess oil while the same peel powder with the milk and honey mixture prevents skin from drying. So, the benefits and glow is same from the both scrubs, just the ingredients differs a bit as per your skin type. This scrub is recommend for brides also as it would make them look glowing and beautiful in their wedding day :) I recommend every girl or guy who craves for bright complexion to follow this scrub and get faster results.

Nourishing Fairness Mask
  • Almonds - 5
  • Oatmeal - 2 teaspoons
  • Honey - 1 teaspoon
  • Milk cream - required
  • Rose water - required
  • Oily skinned people keep in mind: This mask contains moisturizing ingredients which suits only dry skins well, so it is better to avoid milk cream and use lime juice instead to prevent excess oil secretion.

How to Use
  • Soak almonds overnight in milk or water. Peel them and paste them in the morning.
  • Mix this almond paste with oatmeal, honey, milk cream and rose water and blend well to form a smooth creamy face mask.
  • Cleanse your face and apply this pack covering face and neck, avoiding the areas around eyes.
  • Allow the mask to dry for 15 to 20 minutes and wash off with plenty of clean water. Moisturize!

Results and Benefits
Almonds makes skin smooth, soft and radiant while the other ingredients moisturizes the skin and provide required nourishment to the skin. Honey is also a natural skin lightener. This pack effectively cures acne spots, blemishes, tan and clogged pores. You can use this mask on the very same day when the previously mentioned scrub is performed, to nourish and calm down the skin and to retain it's natural oils. Dry skinned people are suggested to follow this mask once in two days or even everyday to achieve good results in these 30 days of skin regime :) Oily guys and girls, twice a week is enough. :)

Other tips: Drink plenty of water and use a high SPF sunscreen in these 30 days to prevent the fairness you gained or else the results will be lost. A good 8 hours sleep maintaining your skin clean these days is also very important for good results.

Hope you liked the skin regime package. Drop your comments for doubts :D I am here to help!

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